
Monday, November 26, 2012

Ginjal vs Mesin Dialysis


Mari kita bersama-sama memanjatkan kesyukuran diatas nikmat kesihatan yang tidak terhingga.

Health is greatest wealth!! 

Tiada siapa yang dapat menafikan quote ini. pastinya kan? Hari ini, mari kita bercakap tentang kidney/ ginjal / buah pinggang. Ada berapa ginjal? Dua bukan? Meh kita tengok

Haa... nila rupa ginjal kita. Apa yang dibesarkan tu? Itu adalah unit berfungsi yang dinamakan Nephron. Nephron ni seperti kilang-kilang yang menjalankan kerja-kerja penapisan darah. Lalu bahan buangan dikeluarkan bersama-sama urin atau air kencing.

Satu ginjal mengandungi lebih kurang 1.2juta nephron. Banyak? Jangan lupa, kita ada 2 ginjal , jadi, lebih kurang 2.4juta nephron. Banyak kan? tetapi semakin usia kita menginjak tua, sesetengah nephron ni akan deficit (mengecut) dan tak berfungsi.. So, extra tu, Allah bagi spare la =)

Jadi, jika kita tidak menjaga buah pinggang dengan sempurna, nephron akan terjejas dan mungkin mengecut.  Oleh itu, kita perlu mendapatkan bantuan dari luar untuk membersihkan darah kita. Bagaimana?

begini, atau


Happy je nampak ada mesin dialisis portable? Lagi happy kalau boleh guna ginjal kan? Kerosakan ginjal boleh berlaku kerana kemalangan atau jika kita gagal menjaganya dengan baik. Bagaimana menjaganya? Ikuti tips berikut:
  • Kawal tekanan darah & aras gula dalam darah
Two of the leading causes of kidney diseases are diabetes and high blood pressure. Over time, the excessive amount of glucose in the blood damages the millions of tiny filtering units within each kidney. Around 20-30 percent of people with diabetes develop kidney disease (diabetic nephropathy) with the risk increasing as the length of the time the person has diabetes increases. 

High blood pressure can damage the small blood vessels in the kidneys. These damaged vessels cannot filter wastes from the blood as they are supposed to. The number one way to prevent kidney damage is to keep blood sugar levels and blood pressure as close to normal as possible.
  • Makan makanan seimbang

The key to a healthy kidney diet is to increase consumption of plant based foods while reducing consumption of refined and oily (fried) foods. A vegetable/fruit-based diet allows the body system to alkalinize via the kidneys, lowering blood pressure, and contributing to a sense of well-being. Moderate your consumption of peanuts, wheat germ, beets, spinach, soybean, chocolate and sweet potatoes as they are rich in oxalate which can lead to kidney stones.
  • Kurangkan pengambilan daging

A diet high in animal protein predisposes you to the formation of calcium stones. Meat generates uric acid after it processed by the body. Uric acid is the basic problem for uric acid stone formation and gout.

  • Kurangkan pengambilan gula
Excess salt leads to abnormal calcium build-ups in the blood which in turn, produces kidney stones. Sodium in the salt may also raise your blood pressure, so people with CKD should limit foods that contain high levels of sodium. Your sodium intake should be moderate, and try to get pure sea salt instead of regular table salt.

  • Minum air
Another key aspect of kidney heath is adequate consumption of water. Water helps your kidneys to flush out the toxins and prevents occurrence of kidney stones and infections. A whole lot of water is not necessarily good for the kidneys, and it is always better to drink small amounts of water throughout the day.
  • Elakkan merokok
 If you smoke, you truly must attempt to discontinue. Smoking not only increases the risk of kidney disease, but it also contributes to deaths from strokes and heart attacks in people with CKD.
  • Elakkan alkohol
Drinking too much alcohol means your kidneys have to work harder to remove toxins from your blood. Limit yourself to two small drinks a day for a man and one small drink a day for a woman.
  • Kurangkan kafein
Caffeine acts as a diuretic which causes the body to lose fluids excessively. Being dehydrated results in your kidneys having to work harder to pump out fluid and toxins putting excessive and unnecessary pressure on them. If you want to cut down on caffeine with kidney stones, you might try decaffeinated green tea.
  • Cara hidup lebih aktif
Physical exercise is an important element of optimum kidney health. Being active is great for kidney health as with your overall wellbeing. However, try to avoid strenuous exercise if you are already facing kidney problems. Light yoga, walking, gardening are all excellent means to stimulate your body 

Tetapi, apakah tanda-tanda kita mengalami penyakit ginjal? Apabila ginjal dibebani dengan bahan-bahan toksin, penyakit ginjal boleh berlaku kerana kita tidak berupaya menyingkirkan bahan buangan & urin. Golongan yang berisiko paling tinggi adalah mereka yang menghidapi diabetes, darah tinggi atau mempunyai sejarah keturunan penyakit ginjal.

Simptom dan tanda-tandanya adalah seperti berikut:

~ Kencing lebih kerap atau bermasalah mengawal kencing
~ sakit di bahagian bawah belakang (lower back pain)
~ Sakit semasa membuang air kecil
~ Edema (water retention) dalam peparu, kaki, abdomen dll.
~ Darah dalam urin

Ok, sekian sahaja. Kesimpulannya jagalaha pemakanan, minum air dengan cukup, bersenam & makanlah dengan seimbang. Kerapkali, kita selalu menghargai sesuatu apabila kita sudah kehilangannya. jadi, sementara kita masih dipinjamkan ginjal yang sempurna & sihat, hargai & jagalah.

Nikmat sihat sebelum sakit :)

Credit : ourkidneyjourney

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